Monday, August 25, 2008

"Bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye..." This is just a little tast of my little man's never ending phrase today. It was "Bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye," when we were leaving to go for a run. It was "Bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye," when we were in my school in the storage room that he hates. It was "Bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye," when the rain came down so hard on the car and the windshield wipers were slapping back and forth so quickly I was sure we would loose one. It was "Bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye," when I was filling my fit ball (who knows why he wanted that to go) and finally it was "Bu-bye,bu-bye, bu-bye," when he decided that we needed to leave (to who knows where) before dinner (maybe he did not want what I was cooking?). I hope this was just a day long phase because it was exhausting, can't do this again tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

Tyne said...

That's funny, Erin. Hoping tomorrow is filled with a new phrase, "luv oo." I like your slideshow...