Saturday, December 13, 2008
Couture Blogs
Here is the link to Tyne's web design site. Check it out to see what she can do for you (or enter her contest to see if you can win a free makeover)!

Blog Makeover Giveaway
I am excited to share that a friend from high school is starting a new buisness of blog design. She is launching her business by giving away a blog makeover. Tyne has a great sense of humor and makes me laugh each time I visit her site. You can visit her site through the following link to learn more about the contest and to enjoy a few chuckles about her family of almost 4.

Sunday, November 9, 2008
This year Chase was a lion for Halloween. I was planning to be a lion tammer to go along with his costume. Well due to the stress of putting on his costume and keeping it on I went without my costume :(. I took Chase in to the school parade and he and cousin Ian both wore lion costumes (thanks to Mimi (Barb) for helping me get Chase in his costume).

On Halloween we took Chase to the Larsen's to trick-or-treat with their kids. Chase of course hesitated to wear his lion costume again so we tried cousin Ian's dog costume. This one was a bit snug and helped us to convince him that the lion was his best bet.

Jason and Kevin took the kids out to a few houses that we know around town. Chase really did not seem to understand what they were doing because as the door opened he would run through the door and make himself at home in each of the houses. He did not really seem to care much about the candy (but I was thankful that he brought home a few pieces) but had a great time anyway.
Chase and his buddy (aka hiscurrent future girlfriend)

On Halloween we took Chase to the Larsen's to trick-or-treat with their kids. Chase of course hesitated to wear his lion costume again so we tried cousin Ian's dog costume. This one was a bit snug and helped us to convince him that the lion was his best bet.

Jason and Kevin took the kids out to a few houses that we know around town. Chase really did not seem to understand what they were doing because as the door opened he would run through the door and make himself at home in each of the houses. He did not really seem to care much about the candy (but I was thankful that he brought home a few pieces) but had a great time anyway.
Chase and his buddy (aka his

Walking Wally
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Outdoor Fun
A few weeks ago Chase and I went to visit Mimi and Wally in Edwards. We went for a hike on Sunday and Chase had a blast exploring. On our way down he was very curious about the creek that we had to cross. We took off his shoes and let him play around. You would think that it would have been too cold but not for this kid.
A walking stick and a leaf, what more do you need?

Mimi and Chase cross the creek

Loving the water (brrrr!)
A walking stick and a leaf, what more do you need?

Mimi and Chase cross the creek

Loving the water (brrrr!)

Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Well our little Capricorn has started to show his passion for the "big bucks". He walks around talking about money, asking for money and reminding us that we need to have money when we are in the store to pay for things. Well today was a good one. We stopped to fill the car with gas (ugh, my least favorite thing to do) and Chase begins his banter about "money, money, money". As we drove away he turns toward the gas pump, waves and says "bye bye money!" (oh so true!)
Yesterday afternoon:
Chase: "Poo, poo, poo, poo"
Me: "Do you want to go and try on the potty?"
Chase: "No!"
A bit later after some play time.
Chase: "Poo, poo, baby. Baby poo, poo."
Me: "You are a big boy now Chase, let's go try the potty."
This is what we found in the bathroom...
Yesterday afternoon:
Chase: "Poo, poo, poo, poo"
Me: "Do you want to go and try on the potty?"
Chase: "No!"
A bit later after some play time.
Chase: "Poo, poo, baby. Baby poo, poo."
Me: "You are a big boy now Chase, let's go try the potty."
This is what we found in the bathroom...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Our Brave Boy!
On Labor Day we went to Aunt Jara's house to celebrate Cousin Colton's Birthday. What a great time for Chase! Jara set up a huge water slide for all of the kids. When the "big" kids were tired of playing Chase jumped in with Deja and Natalie. He LOVED going down the slide and especially standing under the mini shower on the lower slide. He had no fear and I actually had to tear him away. Thankfully Mimi (Grammy) was there to dry him off.

Labor Day Weekend
We had a great weekend with Aunt Ciara over Labor Day. Chase had fun with her in the park and picking berries on a hike. We can't wait to see her again soon! Here are a few pictures of our visit.

A quick picture outside of Mimi's house with Wally (in Mimi's arms), Archie (in Aunt Ciara's arms), and if you look close enough Badger is poking through between Mimi and I. :)
A quick picture outside of Mimi's house with Wally (in Mimi's arms), Archie (in Aunt Ciara's arms), and if you look close enough Badger is poking through between Mimi and I. :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
"Bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye..." This is just a little tast of my little man's never ending phrase today. It was "Bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye," when we were leaving to go for a run. It was "Bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye," when we were in my school in the storage room that he hates. It was "Bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye," when the rain came down so hard on the car and the windshield wipers were slapping back and forth so quickly I was sure we would loose one. It was "Bu-bye, bu-bye, bu-bye," when I was filling my fit ball (who knows why he wanted that to go) and finally it was "Bu-bye,bu-bye, bu-bye," when he decided that we needed to leave (to who knows where) before dinner (maybe he did not want what I was cooking?). I hope this was just a day long phase because it was exhausting, can't do this again tomorrow! :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
August Fun
Well I apologize for not keeping up to date. We had two wonderful although quick visits from Papa Chris followed by Elizabeth (we are still looking for a name for Chase to call her, any suggestions are greatly appreciated!) and Chase's Aunt Annabel and Aunt Lizzie as they were all heading back home to Kentuky. Chase had a great time and I am sure that everyone needed an extra nap once they were done playing with him. We can't wait to see them again soon.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Chase's Outfit
OK, yesterday he cracked me up with the underwear, but today was too funny! After getting dressed this morning he decided that he needed to add a pair of pj's over his shirt (only the arms, footies hanging behind him). Well that was not enough, he then decided to grab a denim jacket and pull that on top. With mom's assistance we had the jacket snapped and he was ready for his day!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Momma's Best Helper
I don't know if I have mentioned what a great helper I have in little Chase... He loves to "help" fold laundry and other great chores. It is so fun to watch his version of how I shake out the clothes before I fold them. Well another thing he loves to do (and did NOT learn from me!) is to put various articles on rather than fold them. Yesterday he chose to put three pairs of Daddy's underwear on his head, one after the other. Too funny!
Papa is coming to visit
We are so excited that Chase's Papa Chris, Grandma Elizabeth, and his two youngest aunts Annabel and Lizzie are coming to visit this week. Papa came to visit in April of this year they had a great time together. Here are a couple of pictures of the two of them. Chase had a blast being thrown in the air and LOVED when Papa would shake his head back and forth making silly faces and noises (also causing Papa to have terrible headaches). We will post new picture after their visits.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Our Visit to the Oregon Coast
Here are a few pictures of Chase on our trip to the Oregon Coast. He had a blast in the sand, but was not a big fan of the COLD water.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Our Visit to Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma's
Chase, Nana Bee and I had a great time visiting his Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Bannon last week. He had a blast riding around in the red wagon around their yard. He also had fun playing with his second cousin Jared and his Great Uncle Kevin.
One of the highlights on this trip was to see the twenty plus ducks that roam the neighborhood a few blocks away. He was amazed to see so many of his favorite "Quack Quacks" at once.
Silly Faces
A Day At The Park
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Chase's Favorite Activity
Friday, May 30, 2008
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