Wow it has really been a long time since I have updated this blog. There have been so many changes going on around here. The biggest and most important thing to share would be the birth of our daughter Madelyn Sage. She was born May 5, 2010 at 4:43 pm. She was a healthy weight of 8lbs. 4oz, and was 19 3/4 in. long.
Chase is adjusting well to the big brother role. He likes to help out most of the time with his new sister, although this morning he asked, "Why do I have to do everything?" Gosh I was thinking that I had not been giving he enough responsibility. Go figure.
We have been having a very fun summer so far. I will work sharing these adventures in a more timely manner.

Here is a picture of me a month before Madelyn was born.

Our whole family right after Madelyn was born.

Our newest addition.